Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Get Into the Race To Space

Today's assignment was to create a lesson segment using basic technology. I was able to use a product called Hyper Dash and integrate it into my lesson warm-up. In your warms ups or instant activities, you want to include the many of the components of sport and health-related fitness. This is exactly what this warm up does! This warm-up includes agility, coordination, reaction time, speed and power while students work cardiovascular endurance and muscular strength.

This warm-up was prepared to teach to middle school age students but can be modified to fit all age groups. The props were add-ons so you are able to tailor the activity to your liking. After watching the video I would change a few things: 1) I would make sure I had working batteries 2) I would change the locomotor movements throughout the activity 3) make better use of space. Overall, I believe it was a pretty good warm.  A warm-up like this is best used at the end of a unit because students really enjoy this type of team activities and it gives them incentive to work harder.

When you hear technology in physical education you don't always have to think, "Well I don't have the budget for that." The Hyper Dash and similar tools are available at very low prices. Hyper Dash is priced at 19.99 and can be found at your local children's store. I believe using smalls tools like this will help motivate your students, and now I ask you this... Are you ready to change P.E?

Below is a youtube clip of the lesson

Want this warm up for yourself?

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